Products ElectrochemicalElectrochemical Workstation

Squidstat Penta

Make : Admiral Instruments, USA
Model : Squidstat Penta
Categories : Electrochemical,Electrochemical Workstation


±5 A Potentiostat with EIS up to 1 MHz


Squidstat Penta Highlights:

  • Becomes a multichannel system by connecting more Squidstats to the same computer
  • Onboard memory (16 GB) backs up all data collected from experiments for failsafe recovery
  • Voltage/current setpoints, OCP mode, and sampling rates are adjustable in real time
  • Wide selection of prebuilt experiments are available, and the “Drag & Drop” experiment builder can quickly and easily make custom experiments – no coding skills necessary!

  • Description
  • Specifications


±5 A Potentiostat with EIS up to 1 MHz


Squidstat Penta Highlights:

  • Becomes a multichannel system by connecting more Squidstats to the same computer
  • Onboard memory (16 GB) backs up all data collected from experiments for failsafe recovery
  • Voltage/current setpoints, OCP mode, and sampling rates are adjustable in real time
  • Wide selection of prebuilt experiments are available, and the “Drag & Drop” experiment builder can quickly and easily make custom experiments – no coding skills necessary!

General Specifications

  • Channels Per Unit


    Operating Modes

    Pot / Gal / ZRA / FRA

    Cell Connections

    2, 3, 4, or 5 electrode

    ADC/DAC Resolution

    16 bit resolution

    Slew Rate (No Load)

    5 MV/s

    Maximum Sampling Speed

    100,000 samples/s

    Floating and/or Earth-grounding

    Both (Switchable)

    Input Impedance

    > 10 Tera-ohm

    Input Bias Current

    < 1 pA

    Data Backup Memory

    16 GB

    Physical Dimensions

    23 cm x 17 cm x 13 cm

    Channel Cable Length

    100 cm

    Computer Interface

    1 USB per unit

    Power Supply Requirements

    100 – 240 VAC

    50 – 60 Hz

Potentiostatic Input/Output

  • Compliance Voltage

    ±10 V

    Voltage Scan Range

    ±10 V

    Number of Voltage Ranges

    4 ranges,

    (0.5 V, 1 V, 5 V, 10 V)

    Applied Potential Accuracy

    0.1% of setpoint,

    1 mV min

    Applied Potential Resolution

    0.003% of range,

    15 μV min

    Measured Potential Accuracy

    0.1% of reading,

    1 mV min

    Measured Potential Resolution

    0.003% of range,

    15 μV min

Galvanostatic Input/Output

  • Maximum Current

    ±5 A

    Current Ranges

    8 ranges,

    (1 μA to 5 A)

    Applied Current Accuracy

    0.1% of range,

    1 nA min

    Applied Current Resolution

    0.003% of range,

    30 pA min

    Measured Current Accuracy

    0.1% of range,

    1 nA min

    Measured Current Resolution

    0.003% of range,

    30 pA min

Impedance Analyzer

  • EIS Frequency Range

    10 μHz to 1 MHz

    AC Frequency Accuracy

    0.005% or better

    AC Frequency Resolution

    0.0004%, 3 µHz min

    Potentiostatic Amplitude

    ≤ 100% of range,

    10 V max




    25 µV @ 1mV

    250 µV @ 100mV

    2.5 mV @ 10V

    Galvanostatic Amplitude

    ≤ 100% of range,

    5 A max




    0.025% of applied @ 100% of range
    0.08% of applied @ 10% of range


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